Monday, 22 January 2007

New Year's Eve 2006

As many of our friends these days are Argentines, most of them went off to their family gatherings while we just invited a few of James' friends and a couple of ours. We had a delicious Argentine-style BBQ on our roof terrace made by ASADOR PAR EXCELENCE, Mr Fat Mick plus lots of exotic salads conjured up in the kitchen by yours truly and MASTER CHEF Jamie.

The fireworks were a big hit with the "children" and the grown ups too but we saved a few for Sarah and her boyfriend, Guillermo, for when they arrived just after we'd eaten our twelve grapes (Spanish style) and sung Auld Lang Syne in a circle with crossed hands, English style.

We continued to enjoy the city scapes lit up by hundreds of fireworks from families still celebrating well into the wee hours.

It was a quiet New Year for us but very peaceful and enjoyable.
Happy New Year to you all!

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